วันเสาร์ที่ 16 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2561

Some New Guidelines On Core Details For Japan Travel

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Some Updated Tips On Valuable Solutions For

Visit Seoul: The Unintended Undertones of Sex Tourism

The ad depicts the silhouette of a woman wearing a traditional Korean hanbok dress against the backdrop of one of three well-known tourist sites in Seoul: Gyeongbokgung Palace, Gwanghwamun, and Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP). (Source: Courtesy of Seoul Metropolitan Government) Some South Koreans criticized the ad of sexually commercializing the female body in order to attract foreign tourists. The suggestive manner in which the female character is holding the goreum bow on her chest could also be interpreted as an act of undressing, critics said. Some argued that the phrase “Unforgettable experience in Seoul,” coupled with the picture of the woman, could sound like an invitation to experience sexual pleasures during one’s stay in the South Korean capital. An official at Seoul City’s international press team, who refused to be named, citing official rules, said the city acknowledged that the ads could be viewed in a negative light. The intention was to highlight the traditional beauty of South Korea in light of the recent trend of foreigners wearing hanboks when they come to Seoul. When pressed about the choice of a female character to embody traditional beauty — as opposed to a man — the spokesperson said the female figure fitted well with the beautiful line of the hanbok. “[The ad] suffers from a poverty of the imagination, which fails to go beyond the gisaeng tourism of the 1970s and 80s,” tweeted Oh Hyun-joo, co-founder of civic group People’s House . Gisaeng were female entertainers, part of a selective system thought to have originated in the Goryeo dynasty (918 – 1392 CE), which lasted throughout the Joseon dynasty (1392 – early 1900s). The gisaeng women were often taken by the elites as concubines or secondary wives, and performed a variety of functions including entertainment, medical and needle work, but also sexual services. Gisaeng performing a sword dance, date unknown.

For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.koreaexpose.com/visit-seoul-sex-tourism-undertones/

dacademy lagi tour ke korea

Tips On Root Criteria Of

Presiden Dondal Trump Sebut Aktor Robert De Niro IQ Jongkok. Ini Masalahnya

Presiden Dondal Trump Sebut Aktor Robert De Niro IQ Jongkok. Ini Masalahnya Saya menonton Robert De NIro berbicara dalam acara 2017 Winter Television Critics Association Press Tour di Langham Hotel, Pasadena, California, Sabtu (14/1/2017).  POS KUPANG.COM - Presiden Amerika Serikat Donald Trump menyebut Robert De Niro "orang dengan IQ sangat rendah" karena sang aktor menghujatnya saat siaran langsung Tony Awards. Trump, setelah dua hari kemarahan De Niro di panggung Tony Awards di New York, mengatakan sudah menonton video dan "saya sangat yakin dia pusing kena tinju", seperti dilansir dari Reuters. Perwakilan sang aktor belum memberikan komentar atas pernyataan Trump. De Niro, seorang aktor senior AS, dua kali melontarkan makian terhadap Trump di acara yang disiarkan langsung oleh stasiun televisi CBS. Saat itu, De Niro hendak memanggil musisi Bruce Springsteen. Sang aktor tiba-tiba mengatakan "Saya ingin bilang satu hal. Trump brengsek". Aksi De Niro sontak disambut aplaus dari tamu Tony Awards. De Niro tidak menjelaskan mengapa dia mengeluarkan makian tersebut. Sementara itu, Trump sedang berada di Singapura untuk pertemuan dengan pemimpin Korea Utara Kim Jong Un saat kejadian tersebut.

For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://kupang.tribunnews.com/2018/06/13/presiden-dondal-trump-sebut-aktor-robert-de-niro-iq-jongkok-ini-masalahnya

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